Li Yanhong Said China Internet Will Enter A Period Of Innovation Blowout's CEO Li Yanhong in 2008 Summit Forum on the new economy, China's Internet innovations from the stage to imitate the blowout of innovation, the Internet and new applications of new technologies in other countries may be next in line to China.

Li Yanhong, China's Internet users has now exceeded the United States, China became the world's largest Internet country. Leading means will first encounter the problem, earlier having problems, have the opportunity to better solve the problem, and solve the problem is that the innovation process, we will than other countries have a more innovative and create opportunities.

At the same time, in the 2008 Summit Forum on the new economy that many people, including Baidu, Tencent and other Chinese Internet company will become the next stage of China's Internet innovations blowout of the biggest beneficiaries; Although email, instant messaging, portals, C2C trading network , Search engine, video sharing and other Internet applications, almost all born in the United States, but with the macro-environment changes, China will become the next wave of Internet innovation base.

Source: 第三媒体 Apr. 29, 2008